DUI Attorney Atlanta MI Harris Law
The Elk Capital of Michigan, visitors and residents alike enjoy a variety of popular natural areas, state parks, lakes, events and golf courses in addition to miles of hiking, biking and snowmobile trails. A popular recreational area throughout the year, this Northern Michigan town is conveniently located in the junction between M33 and M32 in Montmorency County.
While most people don’t to plan to break the law and commit an offense relating to drinking and driving, it still happens and when it does, it can have far reaching consequences. From fines to jail time to loss of your license, penalties for DUI convictions in Michigan are steep. Further, DUI convictions in Michigan are not open for expungement meaning once you are convicted and it has gone on your record, it will be there forever. First time offense penalties may be relatively small however, second and third offenses, especially in cases where there were damages or injuries, can be quite large with fines up to 10,000 dollars and years in jail, not to mention the higher cost of insurance premiums, impact on future employment and additional costs.
Whether you are unsure of your rights or just concerned that something relating to your case will be overlooked, your DUI attorney can help you understand the process and will assist in getting the best outcome in your case. If you have questions relating to a DUI charge and are looking for someone who is familiar with DUI laws in Michigan, contact Harris Law.
DUI Attorney Atlanta MI
Harris Law is a Michigan DUI attorney serving clients in Atlanta, Gaylord , Grayling and throughout Northern Michigan. If you have been charged with a crime relating to DUI or DWI in Atlanta, it is important that you consult an attorney right away. Harris Law has been representing DUI clients for a number of years and understands how to best represent you during your case.
If you are looking for an attorney, call Harris Law today at 231.347.4444 for a free consultation or simply fill out the form below:
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