

Tips to Improve Your Chances of SSD Approval Harris Law

Feb 28, 2019 | Social Security Disability

The road to receiving Social Security disability benefits is a long and complex one. Everything in your application has to be absolutely perfect, and even so much as one mistake can result in you having to start the whole process all over again – which can be extraordinarily frustrating! Fortunately, there are some things you can do to improve your chances of SSD approval . Be Transparent Be as honest and upfront with everyone involved in this process as you possibly can be. Be clear with your doctor about every pain or symptom you’re experiencing, and make sure to keep detailed records of everything. Being upfront and transparent regarding everything to do with your condition will ensure things go much smoother when the information finally reaches the Social Security Administration (SSA) . After all, questions, concerns, and discrepancies in your application will only raise suspicion and slow everything down! Never Stop Communicating Be proactive and make sure you never break contact with your doctors or the SSA . If you haven’t heard from the SSA in a while, reach out and make sure they have the correct contact information on file for you – otherwise you risk missing out on important information and/or deadlines. Also, make sure your doctors are up-to-date on everything going on, including any progress or lack there of with your condition, and follow their orders to the letter – consulting them anytime you have any questions or concerns. Being on the same page with your doctors about everything will make it much easier for the SSA to verify the condition of your health. Watch Your Income To receive SSD benefits , you must be unable to work. If you are still earning a reasonable income, or currently on unemployment because you’re planning to return to work, you may compromise your eligibility to receive benefits or face outright denial. Keep Up With All Deadlines If you miss a single deadline at any point during your approval process, you will likely have to start all over again. It’s crucial you make sure you do whatever it takes to get everything assembled, submitted, or completed the moment you know it needs to get done. Buy a new calendar, set alarms on your devices, or put sticky notes on your fridge – whatever you have to do to help you remember! Get Professional Legal Help The number one best way to ensure your SSD benefits are approved quickly, efficiently, and without any issues is to put your trust in the hands of capable Social Security disability attorneys , like ours at Harris Law Doing so won’t cost you anything upfront whatsoever, and will ensure your application is handled by seasoned legal experts who’ve already succeeded in having countless applications approved before you. Never Give Up! It can be easy to want to give up when you’re facing such an intimidating process – especially if you’ve already had to start over once before – but we know you can do it! Our Social Security disability attorneys at Harris Law will always be here for you if/when you need us! Call 231.347.4444 or fill out the free consultation form in the sidebar to schedule your free personal consultation.

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