Every year, the Workers’ Compensation Agency (WCA) updates their benefit calculator to ensure that hard working Americans have the resources they need to succeed, and this year is no different. With all the new changes coming into effect for 2018 , Michigan residents are being encouraged to get informed on not only what they new changes and updates are, but also how these changes will affect both new and existing benefits. If you are currently disabled or are utilizing workers compensation benefits, these are the workers comp benefit calculator updates that may affect you.
The biggest change for 2018 is the new maximum on weekly wages. In the past, Michigan residents who relied on workers compensation were meant to receive as much as 80% of their average weekly wages after taxes. In order to determine this average, the disabled employee’s weekly wages for the entire 52 weeks before their workplace incident were analyzed and the 39 highest paid weeks including bonuses, overtime, second jobs, and more were selected to determine a fair weekly wage. In 2018, a new maximum of $900.00 per week will be enforced for individuals who rely on workers compensation , meaning it is vital to ensure all the information listed on any official workers comp documents is correct. Inaccuracies in your previous wage information and unlawful deductions to your weekly workers comp wages on behalf of insurance companies as a result of your post-injury wage earning capacity (PIWEC) can end up costing you hundreds of dollars per week, so it’s up to you to ensure all of your benefits information is always accurate.
Perhaps the best change for 2018 is the fact that this year the WCA’s official benefit calculator is available online. For the first time ever, it will be even easier for you to figure out exactly what you deserve and how to get it. One easy-to-use page now outlines everything you need to know and includes simple forms to help you calculate your weekly benefit rate, disability period, age reductions, PIWEC, partial benefits, accrued payment and interest, coordination of benefits, and third party recovery offset.
As you get used to the new changes and updates to the workers comp benefit calculator it’s important to understand that if at any point you feel you are not receiving the appropriate financial benefits you are justly owed, you have every right to consult with a qualified workers compensation attorney . Do not wait around to find out that you have already lost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Contact a reputable workers compensation attorney , like those at Harris Law , to review your case today. If you’re in need of a legal consultation, call Harris Law today at 231.347.4444 or fill out the free consultation form in the sidebar to schedule your free personal consultation.