- Do you have a job or some other form of steady employment? If your monthly earnings collectively exceed $1,180 (for non-blind persons) or $1,970 (for blind persons), you will typically not be considered disabled. However, your application will be submitted to the Disability Determination Services office for further review.
- How severe is your condition? If you cannot accomplish your basic work-related responsibilities because of your condition, your condition may be considered severe. If you are found to have a severe condition, you will qualify for further evaluation by the Social Security Administration to determine if you are actually disabled.
- Does your condition qualify as an official “disabling condition? ” The Social Security Administration always possesses an up-to-date list of all the current medical conditions that are deemed severe enough to automatically classify patients as disabled. If your condition is on this list, or it is established that your condition is as severe as any of the others on the list, you may be recognized as disabled.
- Are you able to perform the same tasks required of you by any job you retained in the last 15 years? The Social Security Administration will often look at your employment history over the last 15 or so years to determine if your potential disability prevents you from doing these jobs. If you are unable to hold any of these jobs because of your condition, you may be more likely to receive disability benefits.
- Are you able to hold any other jobs or find work elsewhere? If you are no longer able to hold your previous jobs due to your condition, but you are capable of transitioning into another career, the Social Security Administration may consider you able-bodied and reject your benefits claim.
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