If you are disabled, then chances are you are seeking Social Security disability benefits to help you survive. However, if you have been trying for some time to receive your benefits , and have yet to get anywhere, you may be starting to feel the frustrations of your situation. Luckily, there is hope. Your best option is to seek out outside help from Social Security disability attorneys , like those at Harris Law Hiring an attorney may be something that you pushed out of your mind in the past, fearing the costs would be too high, but luckily at Harris Law , we require no upfront fees for the services of our Social Security disability attorneys.
In fact, “the fees that attorneys charge for representing you in the appeal process are regulated by federal law,” which basically means that fees of service will be the same for any attorney anywhere in the county, and that attorneys will only be paid if and when they win and the Social Security Administration (SSA) approves your benefits claim. If this incredible news still has you a little concerned because you know that even with the help of your benefits you cannot afford to pay an attorney , don’t worry! Even if your claims are approved, and you do receive benefits, your attorney fees will be taken care of without any additional effort on your behalf. This is how it works: Once the SSA issues final approval for your claim, you will be able to receive a check that includes retroactive benefits from when your case was still pending. To cover your attorney fees, the SSA will withhold a small percentage of your total benefits and send the money directly to the appropriate parties! No mess and no fuss; it really is that easy!
If you are disabled, and trying to receive the benefits you need and deserve to help you sustain a good life, put aside your worries, and trust the experts at Harris Law Our Social Security disability attorneys are so compassionate and confident in our abilities to help you get back your life that our services won’t cost you a thing unless we succeed. You really can’t ask for a better deal than that! Choose integrity. Choose experience. Choose Justice. Choose the Social Security disability attorneys at Harris Law If you’re in need of a legal consultation of any kinds, insl, call Harris Law today at 231.347.4444 or fill out the free consultation form in the sidebar to schedule your free personal consultation.