Family Law Attorney Atlanta MI Harris Law


Family is important. In Atlanta MI, hundreds of families enjoy the small town atmosphere and natural resources which make this area popular. While Atlanta may be quite small in terms of total population, a majority of those who live in Atlanta are families, and many of these families have children under the age of 18.

Families in Northern Michigan rarely get married anticipating they will find themselves in a legal battle with their spouse battling over money, custody or other family law related issues however, even in Atlanta, divorce and legal battles happen all too often. These cases are generally quite emotional, especially when it comes to those which relate directly to children, parenting time and custody issues. In addition to these issues however, others relating to adoption, pre and postnuptial agreements and name changes represent a number of additional issues common to family lawyers in Atlanta MI. Ensuring the best outcome is important in all cases, and the best way to do this is by enlisting the help of a family law attorney who knows the laws in Michigan and is familiar with the area as well.

Miranda Bailey-Quick is a family law attorney in Northern Michigan and has received her Family Law Certificate and completed the requirements for Assurance of Extensive Training in Family Law from ICLE. In addition, Miranda is a member of the State Bar of Michigan Family Law Section, Criminal Law Section and Indigenous Law Section as well as a member of the Federal Bar Association of the Eastern District of Michigan.

Family Law Attorney Atlanta MI

Harris Law is a family law attorney Atlanta MI. Whether you are facing issues relating to divorce, separation, adoption or name changes, we invite you to learn more about our family law services. If you live in Atlanta, MI and are looking for a family law attorney, we can help. Located in Gaylord MI, we are only 30 miles away from Atlanta and welcome new clients.

If you are looking for an attorney, call Harris Law today at 231.347.4444 for a free consultation or simply fill out the form below:




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